Football tour..

X lame ag The Gunners nk dtg..

Then The Reds plak..

Disusuli dgn The Blues..

Hai..nape la 3 skali dtg lam bln july nie..
Wlaupon bkn Man U yg dtg tp prlawanan cmni jrg2 ade..
Bg fan atau non-fan team2 ni diorg msti pblem mne 1 nk pegi..
Bg yg bekerje mcm aq ni diorg msti pblem nk dpt cuti..
Tp nk wat cmne da xde rzeki..aahhhhhh...sempotttttttttt....

So Man U bile nk buat tour lg?
Make sure time tu aq free ye..
(haha..mcm pnting jek=p)

ForEveR yOuR FaN!!

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